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Riekstukalns is located close to Riga and offers wide range of slopes. They will be suitable not only of a beginner or a lover of slow peaceful ride but also of an experienced skier or snowboarder. Have a look at our offers here at Riekstukalns and choose what’s best for you!


The Main Slope is for very fast riders. Throughout the slope you’ll find steep slopes alternating with flatter sections, which together will give you a pleasant illusion of flying. To get to the slope, you can use the 1st, 2nd or 3rd ski lift.


This is the sportiest of all our slopes. It is just perfect for those who love really fast ride and feel confident about their skills. The steep upper section of the track ensures good start for a breath taking downhill ride.


This is one of the most exciting tracks at Riekstukalns. Mostly it is suitable for those who like to add a little adventure to their skiing and snowboarding experiences. It is complemented with jumps and turns and depending on the speed each time you will get different experience. In this slope be careful – there must be 30 meter distance between you and a rider before you!


There are two choices to make in this slope: you can choose to ride slowly and smoothly down a 350-meter long track, which will require some effort only in the upper section, but if you want some adrenalin on the right side of the slope you can also do some jumps.


This slope is for those who feel that the Beginner Slope has become too easy for them. The Hobby Slope has several steeper sections which are perfect for everyone trying to improve their skiing or snowboarding skills.


This slope is great for learning skiing and snowboarding. Our Beginner Slope is sufficiently smooth, which makes the speed just right for beginners, and it is also long enough for the beginner to learn something new with each time. It takes time learning how to use ski lift, therefore ski-lift for this slope is slower than the other. It is important that your first attempt at skiing or snowboarding is not only technically right but also satisfying! If there is no one to teach you the basics of skiing or snowboarding, our instructors will be happy to assist.


Craziest snowboarders will enjoy our Snowpark with two rows of ramps for high and super high jumps, several hips and all kinds of fun jibs.


Not available during season 24/25! If you don’t really feel like skiing or snowboarding, this is the right place to go down the hill on a traditional toboggan, a saucer, or any other thing you can sit on. If you don't have any sledge you can rent a snow-tube from us. Sledding Hill is loved by both kids and grown-ups therefore the older ones should be very cautious and follow the signs and security during the ride. We have assured that your trip will end softly and painlessly even if you don’t manage to brake on time.


The Tunnel slope is a connection between the 'old' Riekstukalns part and pass through a tunnel under the road to the new part. Here it is important to follow all directions and signs so the pass through the tunnel is safe.


This route connects the new part of the slopes with the 'old' part of Riekstukalns and ends in the tunnel. Wide, with a pleasant fall a bit steeper at the top end flattened at the end to make it easier to control the speed and safely get through the tunnel.


The Arc Slope offers an even terrain in the length of 250 m. The top part of the slope is slightly steeper that ensures a good run-up and further down descends into a flat fall. For those who love peaceful and flat runs, the Arc Slope will be the right choice to enjoy the leisure sports activities. The crest of the new hill of Riekstukalns opens a fantastic and unique view to Riga! The most convenient access to the Arc Slope is by ski-lift No. 14.


The Steep Slope runs off the new crest of Riekstukalns and offers the fastest and sharpest runs at Riekstukalns. This track is suitable for confident and experienced skiers and snowboarders who love the thrill of adrenaline and extreme sensations. The Steep Slope is accessible by ski-lift No. 15.


This slope is suitable for both fast and more tranquil runs. One of the widest and most interesting trails of Riekstukalns that combines different terrains including steeper sections, undulating terrain, as well as flat and even parts of the slope. To get to the crest of the hill, please use ski-lift No. 16.


It is short, wide and steep on the one side and flatter on the other side. Choose your own speed!


One of our newest slopes! With a pleasant drop makes a circle around our new cafe!


One of our newest slopes! Long, with calm speed for everyone from beginners to comfort speed lovers.
Equipment for rent

If you don’t have your own skiing or snowboarding equipment to go down the hill we are here to help you. If you need rental services, please first go to the equipment rent and then with the rental agreement go to the ticket office to pay for the rent and buy a ski pass.

Every season we are improving our rental and adding more equipment and now we have:

- 300 FISCHER, ELAN and HEAD slalom skis 70 – 177 cm length;

- 440 pairs of FISCHER, NORDIC ski boots, sized 25 – 49;

- 140 ABOARDS, ELAN and HEAD snowboards, 115 – 166 length;

- 190 BURTON, ELAN and HEAD pairs of snowboarding boots, sized 34 – 48;

 - As well as ski sticks, helmets and goggles.


TOP Ski rent

The TOP ski rent will always provide you with the newest models of HEAD, ROSSIGNOL, FISCHER, ATOMIC, STOKLI skis that are suitable for demanding skiers who prefer more sporty skis. If after renting the specific pair of skis you feel like they are made for you, it is possible to buy them for particularly friendly prices.

In TOP ski rental there are available top-class skis from 120 cm to 175 cm.
Please ask the ski rent staff for more details.

Instructor services

Our instructors will be happy to teach you the basics of good skiing and snowboarding. Please, contact us prior to your arrival to arrange your lesson. Phone number for booking +371 26220000. Phone number is active one hour before resort working hours and is active till the end of the working day!

We kindly ask to respect time of our instructors as well as other beginners. In case you have changed your mind or you are late for the lesson please call and cancel the arranged time. If you are more than 10 minutes late and have no called instructor has rights to arrange lesson with another person. We appreciate your understanding!

Snow-tube and mini bob rent

Sledge Hill, snow-tube and mini bob rent is not available on season 23./24.!

Want to have fun like in your childhood? Great chance to do this by snow-tubing! There is a slope on the hill for this entertainment and if you do not have your own snow-tube, you can rent it.

Try our newest winter attraction - mini bob! An easy and fun way to sledge down the hill.

We remind you that the snow-tubes and mini bobs are only intended for use on the Riekstukalns Ragavinas Hill!

Equipment service

Sticky snow, icy slope…but maybe it means that you have to wax your skies or sharp the edges of your board? You can find our service specialist by the equipment rental. Take a rest while we are taking care of your equipment and then - back to the slopes!

Remember - Monday is the day off for equipement service. 

School groups

Esam izstrādājuši ļoti izdevīgu piedāvājumu skolēnu grupām. Grupai, kas lielāka par 20 skolēniem, ir iespēja saņemt pacēlāja biļeti uz 3 h un inventāra komplektu (zābakus un slēpes vai dēli un ķiveri) uz 3 h maksājot tikai 9 EUR par katru vienību. Vienam skolēnu grupas vadītājam/skolotājam pacēlāja biļete un inventāra noma ir bez maksas.

"Riekstu krogā" būs iespēja mieloties ar dažāda veida ēdieniem un uzkodām - ir iespēja pieteikt ēdināšanu arī visai grupai.

Braucot uz kalnu, līdzi jāņem aizpildīta veidlapa (spiediet uz iezīmētā lauka un atvērsies pielikums, kuru varēsiet izdrukāt).

Jūs varat apvienot patīkamo ar izglītojošo - tepat blakus Riekstukalnam atrodas Baldones Observatorija, kas sniedz interesantas un pamācošas lekcijas par debess ķermeņiem, kā arī veic ķīmijas vai fizikas eksperimentus. Vairāk informācijas: https://www.baldonesobservatorija.lu.lv/  

Mēs esam par sportisku un aktīvu dzīvesveidu, tādēļ vēlamies, lai jaunieši pavadītu laiku svaigā gaisā, sportojot un priecājoties. Šī ir lieliska iespēja pavadīt kvalitatīvu laiku kopā ar saviem skolēniem un veidot kopīgas atmiņas! 

Pieteikt grupas apmeklējumu var zvanot 28777888.

Cafe Riekstu Krogs

Cafe 'Riekstu krogs' has 'grown' to 2 cafes! Largest cafe 'Riekstu krogs' for a good meal is located on the second floor in the equipment rental house, while the small, cute, picturesque "Riekstu namiņš" is located at the foot of the Wide Slope. 

"Riekstu krogs" invites you to enjoy a delicious breakfast, lunch or dinner with your family or friends after skiing or snowboarding. A hearty chop, hot soup, freshly baked muffins, hot tea or refreshing drinks will be just in time after visiting the mountain!

The opening hours of the large cafe "Riekstu Krogs" are the same as the opening hours of the slopes. Follow the working hours in the daily news! The 'Riekstu namiņš' opens when there is a higher density of visitors in the slopes!




Observation tower

In the summer of 2018 an observation tower was opened in the newest part of Riekstukalns. It is 16 m high and is accessible to residents and tourists free of charge.

From the tower there is a charming view of the gorgeous nature of Latvia, as well as the capital city of Riga and its tallest buildings.

Coordinates - LAT: 56.77502  LON 24.401669

Accomodation near Riekstukalns

Accommodation in Riekstukalns is not available, but here is the list of the closest and most friendly accomodation near the resort: